Serial Cleaners Game Review

“That is not what I remember.”

New York City, New Year’s Eve 1999. An unlikely team of four professional cleaning crews from the mob gathers to drink and reminisce about their professional lives towards the end of the millenium. While the details of their histories don’t line with each other, the dark facts about their partnership begin to surface. What starts as a celebration of a decade of history shared slowly transforms into a dangerous and tense confrontation.

Meet them at a very strange time in their lives.

Serial Cleaners is a tribute to cinema from the 90s. From Tarantino’s masterpieces, to classic crime films, action films and much others, Serial Cleaners mixes those familiar characters, places and scenes for a fresh take on an era full of enthusiasm and desperation. Our distinctive soundtrack is comprised from many different genres which defined at the close of the 20th century, from East Coast hip hop to industrial metal and even rave. It doesn’t matter whether the music of your nineties was created by parties, events or radio, we have your back.

Keep your mouth shut. You should not feel emotions. You disappear completely without a trace.

Four characters are represented and four perspectives. Four different play ways. The options are street-smarts as well as brute force and old-fashioned techniques of the trade to get over similar hurdles. You can choose your own path through the non-linear story by picking the part of the story you wish to hear next. proceed to each challenge at a level of prudence or brazenness as you would like. Make use of stealth, exploration and speed whenever the circumstance (and your personal experience) requires it. Remove the corpses and other damning evidence in order to clean the slate completely clean before the year 2000 arrives!

Reviewed by hentai pokemon games

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