Korra Hentai

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Moonbury the town of a few hundred inhabitants located in north England has been averse to the advancements of the outside world and prefers the traditional techniques of healing. In the end, they are forced to seek out help from outside their own community after their daughter, who is the mayor is ill and unable to get help from the witch doctor.

A Medical Association decides to send the most skilled chemist they can find – you – to help cure the daughter of the Mayor and convince the residents of Moonbury of the wonders of the modern science of alchemy. Get their confidence and offer assistance to all those who are sick in this interactive simulator RPG.


The care of residents. Moonbury has around 30 unique residents who may fall ill and call for your assistance. Residents who are sick will find it difficult to work when resting in bed.

Find the cause and solutions! I wonder if you have… a low heart rate and a bloated liver. Maybe you’re suffering from shoulder cramps? These are definitely symptoms of a burning lungs. The patient had been eating excessive amounts of gelatin. The solution is simple. The only thing you need to do is make the Minty Glass.

Find ingredients from all over all over the world. When you’ve settled on an ointment, potion or salve, you can gather items from your surroundings with the help of your tools. Improve your hammer, sickle, and axe with different attacks and swings to aid in your daily tasks. Be aware of changing weather conditions. You may find yourself caught on the streets in the rain in a cold blizzard or even the baking temperature of a desert.

Fight off savage creatures for material. The odds are that you’ll not be able to gather all the material that you need as fast as you gather berries from a bush. When this happens you’ll need to make your tools more robust to fend off the beasts roaming the wilderness. The combat is real-time, and, since you’re a chemist can brew various concoctions to buff yourself , or to inflict status afflictions upon your enemies, as well as various equipment to assist you.

Make remedies with your cauldron. You can mix the ingredients within your cauldron and prepare vitamins, medicines, or other solutions. Recipes with higher levels are easy to come across as you gain experience. They need more ingredientsbut give more powerful outcomes. Increase the power of your cauldron and incorporate more ingredients into your recipes to create these advanced recipes.

Build relationships with the townsfolk. Even though it takes some time however, the health of your patients and general well-being will rise thanks to your work. Your credibility with them will improve, and they’ll be able to talk to you more. There’s the possibility of growing particularly close to certain bachelors or bachelorettes.

The town and its surroundings ought to be improved. Building relationships with townsfolk increases your approval rating allowing you to boost the quality of your town by enhancing public spaces and broadening the exploration areas within the town. Also, you could craft and buy new furniture to give your home a personal touch!

Take in the peaceful and tranquility in the country. Moonbury is an area that you can visit by yourself, even as the doctors are busy treating the ailments of their patients. Begin to get acquainted with the locals better, spend a rest in the tavern, or go fishing to fish for something you can eat. Moonbury is an enchanting spot where time is more relaxed and people are just a little more relaxed as opposed to the bustling city. The lighting is constantly changing through the time. Street lamps light the streets during the evening while the sun shines over the meadows at dawn. There aren’t any set times for reaching game objectives. The only thing you have to do is decide the speed at which the process is.

Be sure to spend time with your loyal buddy. Moonbury isn’t somewhere you moved to by yourself. With you every step of the way , is your trusted canine companion. While they go about every day activities the dog will aid you find hidden objects and direct you to residents.

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